Touya Kinomoto
Basic Info


Basic Info
Color Images
Touya in Love
Touya and Syaoran
Black and White Images

All about Touya...

Touya is sakura's older brother. He's in the 11th grade. Touya's school is right next to Sakura's, and sometimes she watches him and Yukito on the soccer field. Touya likes to call Sakura a monster, but he cares very much about her. He would do anything to protect her. Touya has a special sixth sense. He can see spirits and sense things. One of the spirits he sees is that of his mother, Nadeshiko. She died when Sakura was 3 and Touya was 10. This sixth sense helps Touya bond with Kaho Mitsuki.

Name Japan: Kinomoto Touya
Name US: Tori Avalon
Birthday: February 29
Age: 17
Blood Type: O
Favorite Subject: Chemistry
Least Favorite Subject: none
Club: Soccer
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Flower: Peach blossoms
Favorite Food: Steak
Hates to Eat: Ganmodoki
Best Recipe: Rice omelet, fried noodles
Wants Most: A new pair of sneakers


Voice Japan: Seki Tomokazu

Voice U.S.: Tony Sampson